Denver Tattoo Convention

Denver Tattoo Convention

Loved doing this Denver show it’s so good to see all these artist I started tattooing with and to see all the youngins coming up in Denver. Also got to see a few friends and long time clients, thank you guys so much for taking the time to stop by! I did this...
Denver ComicCon 2018

Denver ComicCon 2018

The Denver Comic Con was definitely one of the funnest events I have ever been a part of! My first year being an artist at Comic Con was amazing. To be amongst such talent from all over the country was an honor. I meet a lot of cool people and sold a lot of prints. As...
Summer Ink Tour 2016

Summer Ink Tour 2016

This summer I’ll be hitting all the following cities with guest spots and conventions I am looking to do just a few large pieces I can finish in each city. I am only focusing on photo realism, portraits, surrealism. For idea submissions click the email link...
Golden State Tattoo Expo 2016

Golden State Tattoo Expo 2016

The Golden State Expo was in Pasadena California and extremely stacked with great artists from everywhere. I had the opportunity to do some real creative pieces, here are some pics from the weekend.       Friday: This was from one of my Inktober drawing...
Palm Trees & Tattoos

Palm Trees & Tattoos

Palm Springs Convention: My booth in the Palm Trees & Tattoos Convention. I met some really great artists some of which I have followed for a long time and some I follow now. Truly both an amazing and humbling experience!   A few people I met:   A pic of...
Ink from Kansas

Ink from Kansas

Native Woman: Thanks Wichita, for all the cool tattoos I got to do! Always a good trip….   Hand Skull:   Black & Grey Sleeve Session:   A couple more favorites:   more to come….   Follow Me on Instagram: @brian_ulibarri...