We are not just tattoo artists but artists schooled in traditional media and methodology. Our main focus of work is creative realism and portraits. This background of work comes through in the tattoos we do on a daily basis.
It all starts with the concepts and ideas brought to us from our clients. Normally it's a main subject matter or idea our clients want transformed into something more, something unique. Tattoos are not just body decorations anymore but a way for people to wear their beliefs, loved ones, passion, and memories on their skin for the world to see. Tattoo is now the ultimate form of self expression. We are honored to be a part of it.
Our clients concepts are always custom designed specifically for that client only. No two clients will ever have the same artwork and we never tattoo other tattoo artists designs. We typically design digitally so it is easy to share with our clients via email and also easy to change. Because of the amount of clients booked out we typically wont work on designs until the week of the appointment but you will see a design before walking in to your appointment.
We only focus on one client per day so you have our full attention and effort for that day. We like to work long sessions to get you the most work done in one day as possible. Most of our clients are now becoming collectors of work so we are usually doing multiple sessions on big projects.
Designs are not always just about imagery, a lot of thought is put into our work from our experience in value, composition and most importantly placement. Placement always dictates the design and composition of the piece. We always ask where the tattoo will be and in most cases will ask for a photo so we can see exact shape, size and skin tone for the project. Skin tone is a very important issue to address with each piece we do. We want our tattoos to be as legible as possible for our clients so decisions on color are very important and something we have a lot of experience with.
In the end we our proud of our work and try our best with every tattoo we do. Most importantly we love when our clients are happy with their new tattoo. Sometimes it gives them great healing or inspiration and it always represents who they are as a person to the world. We absolutely love what we do and thank our clients for trusting us with their expressionism and thank them for their continued support.